This might seem like a strange choice for a first post considering how much I bang on about the best of British, but it is not the name of the dish or the origin of the recipe that makes the food, it is the ingredients.
I did not plan to make this for the blog, so the ingredients are as they came from the fridge/cupboard, I thought I would see how well I did making this out of British produce and try to do better next time.
Ingredients (In the order you need them):
1 leek (UK)
3 cloves of garlic (unknown, no label)
2 large carrots (British)
1 tsp olive oil (Non specified EU origin)
400g pack of casserole beef, chopped into chunks (British)
1 large glass of red wine (French)
1 stock cube (No idea, not labelled on the box)
2 large glasses of water (UK, from the tap)
1 tsp olive oil (Non specified EU origin)
4 rashers of bacon (British)
6 large chestnut mushrooms (Ireland), or other variety if you prefer
8 shallots (British)
1 tbsp corn flour (Non specified EU)
1/3 mug cold water (UK, from the tap)
Set the oven to 180 degrees C
Wash and slice the leeks. Peel and slice the carrots. Peel and crush the garlic.
Take the browned beef out of the pan (the lid is a good place to store it). Add the leeks and garlic and lightly fry until the leeks look a little see through, you will need to keep stirring them to avoid burning.
After two hours prepare the shallots (peel) and mushrooms (quarter).
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